How to make Kuzhith thailam?

Author: தோழி / Labels: ,

Kuzhi - hole; Thailam - oil like extract from certain flora and fauna used as medicine or perfume

Siththars have made the kuzhith thailam from many herbs for various purposes and has used it. The Siththars have also told the method of preparing that kuzhith thailam and the various purposes for which the kuzhith thailam can be used.

Now we shall see how this kuzhith thailam can be prepared.

On the floor dig a hole with the dimensions of 2" X 2" (the depth also should be 2"). Again dig inside the hole at the center in such a way that could hold a wide mouth porcelain. Then place the porcelain jar in that place.

Take a pot and make 8 or 10 holes in its base.  Now take the herbs that are used to make the kuzhith thailam and grind it and put it into the pot, and close the mouth of the pot. Make the seelai mud and let it dry. Now place the pot on the porcelain jar such that all the holes are into the mouth of the jar. Then fill with dried dung above the pot in a way hole have to be closed (as shown in the diagram below).

This has to be burnt until it turns up into ashes. Due to this heating temperature the herbs that is present with in the pot gets liquified and it will be collected in the porcelain jar through the holes. After it cools down, carefully remove the ashes. Collect the kuzhith thailam in the porcelain jar and use it whenever necessary.

How to prepare the seelai mud mentioned above?

To avoid the gap between the mouth of the pot and the lid (made of clay) used to close it, use a cloth and clay as a mixture and tie it around the mouth, this is called as seelai mud.

Here I have shared only the method of preparing kuzhith thailam and it will be helpful at some situation in your life. We will see about the usages of kuzhith thailam made up of different herbs in some other post.

Translated by - சந்தியா