“நெருநல் உளனொருவன் இன்றில்லை என்னும்
nerunal ulanoruvan inrillai ennum
பெருமை உடைத்துஇவ் வுலகு
perumai udaiththuiv vulagu”
- திருக்குறள் (Thirukkural)
The one who was alive yesterday is no more today, is the state of our world says Thiruvalluvar.
Isn’t there any way to change this state of living?
Growing grey, wrinkle skin, senilism, disease, death, all this couldn’t be obstructed by any scientists.
Why it is not possible? If it is possible, then how it can be achieved?
The one who has found answer of all these queries and one who has overcome from all these dilemmas are Siththars only. The techiniques to win from diseases, to avoid from losing our adolescence, protecting ourselves from death invading us are known to Siththars only. They have written those techniques in the form of songs for people to be beneficent out of it. These ways of avoiding death is the technique of being immortal called as Kaya Kalpa.
Kaya means body and Kalpa means the medicine which keeps immortal. Hence the art of keeping the body immortal is called as Kaya Kalpa.
“சாவாதிருந்திடப் பால்கற - சிரம்
saavaathirunthidap paalkara - siram
தனிலிருந்திடும் பால்கற
thanilirunthidum paalkara
வேவாதிருந்திடப் பால்கற - வேறு
vaevaathirunthidap paalkara - vaeru
வெட்டவெளிக்குள்ளே பால்கற!
vettavelikkullae paalkara!”
- இடைக்காட்டுச் சித்தர் (Idaikkaattu Siththar)
says Idaikkaatu Siththar.
From now onwards, we will see what are all the techniques that we can follow to keep ourselves away from growing grey, getting diseases, senilism, death.
Original - www.siththarkal.com
Translated by - சந்தியா