What is Piravip paashanam?

Author: தோழி / Labels: , ,

Bogar has very clearly told about the paashanam, its nature, form, capability, types and their uses in the book "Bogar 12000".  As this has been told with hidden meaning, the researches has got  many difference of opinion among themselves. Identifying the meaning of those which is written in hidden meaning is a kind of art only. I shall try writing about it as a separate post only.

Bogar has classified these paashanams mainly into two categories. They are "Piravip paashanam" and "Vaippup paashanam". The Piravi paashanam are found in nature only. He says that there are 32 types of them under this category. We can find them from the various kinds of minerals, herbs, many other living organisms also in various forms. 

Now let us see the list of 32 kinds of paashanams.

Kartakap paashanam 
Vellaip paashanam 
Abiragap paashanam
Karamugilp paashanam
Silaa matha paashanam
Seethangap paashanam
Kachchaalap paashanam
Anjanap paashanam
Karp paashanam
Karparip paashanam
Saalangap paashanam
Avupalap paashanam 
Silaip paashanam
Thaalagap paashanam
Sara kaandap paashanam
Ilingap paashanam
Kaanthap paashanam
Palandurugap paashanam
Thuththap paashanam
Gowrip paashanam
Sangup paashanam
Kuthiraipparp paashanam
Thottip paashanam
Sirapandhap paashanam
Amirthap paashanam
Thaalambap paashanam
Vaigiranthap paashanam
Veerap paashanam
Kenthagap paashanam
Miruthaarap paashanam
Soothap paashanam
Koalagap paashanam

From their names only we can understand in which form they are present.  Each one of them has got their own unique features. About this also Bogar has written in his book. Among them few of them are in use now-a-days.

On doing further researches, we may get to know about the other paashanams told by Bogar. So I request all of you to involve in making searches to know about them or help those who attempt to know them and help for the welfare of the people.

In the next post we shall see about the other category of paashanam, "Vaippup paashanam".

Translated by - சந்தியா