Gnana mudra

As shown in the picture, the tip of the index finger has to be pressed tightly by the thumb finger, and the rest three fingers has to be stretched straightly, this is called as gnana mudra. This can be done as long as you wish to.
As the thumb finger refers to fire and the index finger refers to wind both these together will remove the bad thoughts from the mind and take to a state of wisdom says Danavanthiri. Also anger, patience, adamant nature will be disappeared. The capability of learning anything quickly will increase.
If we do this gnana mudhra along with meditation then many theurgies can be attained.
Kubera mudra

As shown in the picture, the tip of the index finger and middle finger has to be pressed by the thumb finger, this is called as kubera mudra. Press the fingers gently. This can be done for 10 – 15 minutes.
This will unite the strength of fire, wind, sky and convert into a power that helps in achieving whatever we think. With this the life becomes better, hence it is called as kubera mudra.
We shall see the rare mudras that cure diseases in the next post.
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