The art of mudra which cures the body quickly has become an art because of the ancient Tamilians. But the sorrowful fact is that today we need to know about it from a different language. My humble request is that please share the information that this art belongs to the ancient Tamilians.
In the sequence of the mudras, firstly, joining both the hands and saying vanakkam is also a mudra only. Danvanthiri says this as anjali mudra. He says that everybody should worship the guru and the god who gave them the knowledge and do this mudra.
As shown in the picture, join the fingers of both the hands with each other. By placing this joined hands close to the heart, close the eyes, bend the head slightly, pray for 10 - 15 minutes in standing position.
In our body, the right side is considered as lord Siva and the left side as goddess Sakthi. While we pray by joining both the hands a new sakthi (enrgy) gets created within us and will make the prana sakthi to be present within us.
Note: Those who pray to god with affection should keep this mudra close to the heart, those who pray with mind should keep it straight to the fore-head, those who pray to reach god should keep it above the head.
Sangu mudra

Place the thumb finger of the left hand in the palm of the right hand, and hold the left thumb with the rest four fingers in the right hand. The thumb finger of the right hand should touch the four fingers of the leftt hand. This is called Sangu mudhra (picture is given above).
This can be done for 15-20 minutes.
The thumb finger controls the fire, one of the panjapoothas and this unites the rest of the four panjapoothas. This is the way this mudra functions says Danvanthiri. This mudra makes the manipoora chakra function properly and makes the voice fine. Thereby the throat problems, stuttering speech will be resolved.
In the next post we shall see about the mudra that helps in attaining success in a work and getting betterment in life.
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