Linga mudra

As shown in the picture, hold both the hands together so that the fingers are joined with each other. Raise the left hand thumb finger only. The palm of both the hands should stay in contact with each other. This is called as Linga mudhra. This can be done for 15 - 20 minutes.
By doing this mudra, one with over weight can lose his weight and reach to a lesser weight. Also this mudra will be the best remedy for cold.
Danvanthiri has warned that people with any problems related to stomach should not do this.
Rudhra mudra

As shown in the picture, join the tip of the thumb,index and ring finger and stretch the middle finger and little finger. This is called as Rudhra mudhra. This can be done for 10 - 15 minutes.
For people with low immunity power and those who are weak, this will give strength to the body.
Anybody can attempt to do these mudras, there are no restrictions. It is even more effective if we sit in padmasanam and do all the mudhras. As per the time mentioned for each of the mudhras, if we keep on doing them we can definitely acheive the benefits. If we do this under the supervision of a guru, it would result with better results. Though there are many mudhras told by Danavanthiri I have chosen a few of
them and told here. I also have an idea of writing these mudhras as an e-book. Taking into consideration about the excitement for the post, I shall stop the sequence of rudhras here and shall continue in some other situation.
We shall see the next post with a new title.
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