Mukula mudra

This is one of the simpler mudras. The thumb finger should press the tip of all the other fingers, this is only called as mukula mudhra. Press gently without giving force.
If any part of our body is affected by a disease or injured, then place this mudra close to it and for five minutes keep all your concentration on it, with this the part will get strength and also get rid of the disease.
The main functioning of this mudra is to unite all the panjapoothas and give the strength that the affected part needs.
Surabhi mudra
This mudra is little confusing. We should do it with extra attention.
As shown in the picture, the thumb finger of both the hands should not touch each other. The tip of the right hand’s index finger should stay in contact with the tip of the left hand’s middle finger and the tip of the left hand’s index finger should stay in contact with the tip of the right hand’s index finger. The tip of the right hand’s ring finger should stay in contact with the tip of the left hand’s little finger and the tip of the left hand’s little finger should stay in contact with the tip of the right hand’s ring finger. Need not apply more strain on the fingers while keeping them in touch.
This mudra will cure the kidney problems that will make the body strenghten. He also says that this mudra is most suitable for those who practice yoga.
We shall se the mudras that helps to get rid of the problems regarding eye-sight, increase the memory power and reduce the tooth ache.
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