Let us see the third basic energy centre manipura chakra.
When, a child born from mother, a knot is made in its body. This is called navel cord. For the creation of body and its liveliness, essential breathe (pranan) is deposited through this navel. According to Siththars, these pranan is around navel spot.
This energy centre is termed as manipura and it is situated in the suzhimunai naadi. This is linked to organs like stomach, small intestine, gall bladder, liver of human body. The principal part among the panjapootham* is fire. If the glowing fire in this manipura chakra fades, it results in the illness of human body and ultimately body become weak and become lifeless.
From this chakra, 10 yoga naadis emerge out as lotus flower. The emerging resonance due to motion is noted as TA-TA, NA-THA, THA-THA, THA-NA, PA-PA respectively. The principal god of manipura chakra is Lord Vishnu and the principal goddess is Lakkumi/Laakini. The associated moolamantra is “RUM”.
Below image shows the likely structure of manipura chakra as per words of Agathiyar in his poem.

There lies the triangle like structure in centre of manipura chakra which symbolizes fire element. This chakra symbolizes the letter “IM” among the “SIVAYANAMA”.
On positioning the mind in manipura and chanting the moolamantra, Kundalini start rising from svadhishthana and reaches manipura. This can be accomplished only with dedicated vigorous practice.
Without proper guidance from the appropriate guru, one cannot move ahead of this stage. Because, the unstructured practice may results in side effect in body, which I realized in my own experience. So I suggest the readers to start practicing with proper guidance. However you may take it as my warning.
If kundalini reaches manipura from svadhishthana due to proper practice, then our soul energy will get stimulated and body remains stable and health will upgraded. The person with stimulated manipura chakra will never fear on hard work.
*Panjapootham – the five elements viz., earth, air, fire, water and sky
Original – www.siththarkal.com
Translated by Lalithambika Rajasekaran