Today we are going to see about second sakthi chakra svadhishthana. It is also termed as “Niraakulam” which means no sadness and rest in spirituality.
Svadhishthana is the second chakra above muladhara. It lies above our genital organ that is, it lies at 4 virarkadai distance above from muladhara. This chakra symbolize the letter “NA” of panchatchara letters “si-va-ya-na-ma” and explains its philosophy.
Six important naadis emerges from this chakra which can be correlated as six petals of lotus flower. Each motion gives out the resonance which is noted by these letters; “sa, ha, im, ya, ra, la”. Among its centre lies the pirai chandran (crested moon).
From Agathiyar poem, the likely image of svadhishthana chakra is shown below.

The principal god of svadhishthana is Lord Brahma and principal goddess is Raakini/Saakini. This symbolizes water among five basic elements. This chakra is related to reproductive organs, uterus and intestine among human organs.
The moolamantra for svadhishthana is “VAM”. On positioning svadhishthana in mind and by continuous chanting of moolamantra, Kundalini will reach this chakra. This can be accomplished only with dedicated practice.
Siththars associates all these chakras as masculine character. Kundalini energy is associated to feminine character, which can also be correlated as guise of vaalai. The flow of Kundalini energy in chakra will activate and attain its completeness which is termed as attaining siddhi.
With the blossom of this chakra, the power of self discipline and self- control will get stimulated and the awareness level will glow out. It is necessary to stimulate this chakra to improvise our thoughts and actions.
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Translated by Lalithambika Rajasekaran