Kundalini… Mind?

Author: தோழி / Labels:

My Tamil teacher often says, the word “Manathinan (one who has mind)” is reformed into “Manithan (Human)”. We consistently use the words manushan (man) and manushi (woman) in our day to day life. So our mind becomes our only true identity. Other than this, all the identities we use based on religion, caste, gender, community etc. are just an illusion, which are destroyable. Whereas mind is subtle and non- destroyable. 

Some people say that, mind is a part of soul. But Siththars enunciated that, both mind and soul are same and  not a different one. Mind refers to spread range of soul. Also, mind has two faces within; one is clarified face called “wisdom” and another is “strength” refers to power. Each one of two is unique. However, one without another is useless. Mind becomes a complete one if both wisdom and strength works together.

The power of mind during that unity is extra- ordinary and it cannot be measured. Further, these types of mind were ruling this earth. 

Alright! What is the use of this mind to human?

Answer is very simple. Mind make us feel… to realize.

That’s it!

How is it possible?

Mind makes us to feel through its sensory organs in its own unique path. Like, we cannot feel the taste through eyes, cannot feel the sound through ear. Similar way, different yet unique feeling takes place through 12 sensory organs via different paths. Till now, we heard about only 5 sensing organs. But Siththalogy notifies about 12 sensory organs, which we can see later.                

However, these sensations were accumulated in a particular common point called mind. We can also say as sensations get settled. However, a person’s victory, smartness, uniqueness and all depends on how far our faces of minds, wisdom and strength, handle these accumulated sensations.

Only mind has ability to listen sensations actively and act accordingly. Other organs works on it control. 

So it is must for wisdom and strength of mind to be all set during active stage.

What is called active stage? How to achieve it?

Here come the answer, kundalini.

Original – www.siththarkal.com
Translated by Lalithambika Rajasekaran