The posts about mudras has got a great response.For past three days I have received a large number of emails with lots of appreciations. I thank everyone of them who sent mails to me. As I do not have time to respond to each of those mails I am mentioning them here.
As per the request by most of them, I shall also share the information about the Thega mudras also. In the series of the Yoga mudras, in today's post I shall share the information about the Thiruvini mudra.
Danvanthiri in his book "Danvanthiri vaithiyam 1000" has wrote about the Thiruvini mudra in the following way.
"காணவே திருவினி முத்திரையைக் கொண்டு
kaanavae thirivini muththiraiyaik kondu
கருணையுடன் வங்கென்று தியானஞ்செய்யில்
karunaiyudan vangenru thiyaananjseyyil
பூணவே ருத்திரர் முதல் சகல செந்தும்
poonavae ruththirar muthal sagala senthum
பூலோக ராசரோடு வசியமாகும்
poolaoga raasaroadu vasiyamaagum
தோணவே சந்தான சவுபாக்கியம்
thoanavae sanhthaana savupaakkiyam
சுத்தமுடம் ஐந்தறிவுஞ் சித்தியாகும்
suththamudam aintharivunj siththiyaagum
பேணவே ருத்திரியும் சித்தியாகும்
paenavae ruththiriyum siththiyaagum
பிலமான திருவினியால் சித்தியாமே
pilamaana thiruviniyaal siththiyaamae"
- தன்வந்திரி வைத்தியம் 1000 (Danvanthiri Vaithiyam 1000)
The above picture is the Thiruvini mudra. Keep it in both the hands and close the eyes, and through the mind's vision see the middle of the eyebrows and chant the "VANG" mantra in the mind and meditate. By doing this we may get the blessing of all the gods and all the kings in the world will come under control and will be blessed with kid and can also attain the theurgy of changing your appearance.
This mudra has to be done in brahma muhurtham for seven minutes.
In the next post we shall see about the "Yoni mudra" and "Apana mudra".
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