Naga Dhosham

Author: தோழி / Labels: ,

In the previous posts I have written about the clarification and ideas of the Siththars regarding the astrology (you can find those posts here). As a sequence to those posts, in this post we shall see about the "Naga dhosham" or "Sarpa Dhosham".

In astrology, the positioning of raagu-kaethu causes certain effects to a particular person those results are called as "Naga dhosham" or "Sarpa Dhosham". In astrology the Naga dhosham is described as very difficult or very sorrowful. The methods followed to get rid of these curses are called as the remedy.

Bogar in his "Bogar 12000" book has told about the naga dhosham in detail. I will narrate them in short.

Based on the the positioning of the raagu and kaethu, some of them get this naga dhosham and by performing sinful activities like collapsing the snake hole or killing the snake some may attain naga dhosham says Bhogar.

Bogar says the snakes as "Life Swallowers". This creature with no body parts will eat the other living beings alive only. Hence there are so many lives resent within them. These snakes live in darkness all the time, their birth is considered as sinful, hence when a snake is killed all the sins the snake was possessing will pass on to the person who killed it says Bogar.

The anthills where snake resides is the power centre which is equivalent to the temple says Bogar. He also says that these anthills are not present everywhere. The places where these anthills located have got unique vaasthu features. The white ants go deeper into the ground and collect the mud from their, with that mud and salaiva they construct these anthills. In this anthills there is a kind of mercury present and Bogar has explained the method of seperating that mercury from it in his book.

The people with this naga dhosham will face troubles in marriage, studies, marriage and pregnancy. By following the prescribed remedies they can get rid of those effects.

What is that remedy? We will see it in the next post.

Translated by - சந்தியா