Naga Panchami

Author: தோழி / Labels: ,

Bogar in his book "Bogar 12000" has told about a remedy to get rid of the naga dhosham. He says that this remedy should be performed on only one particular day and that day is "Naga Panchami Thithi".

What is thithi?  

Before we get into that remedy, let us see briefly about thithi. Like star is important for every person who takes birth, thithi is important for ancestors who has died.

From full moon day to new moon day, 15 days are "Theipirai Thithi" and the 15 days from new moon day to full moon day are "Valarpirai Thithi". In sanskrit it is called as "Krishnapaksham" and "Suklapaksham".

They are
1. Pirathamai
2. Thuvithiyai
3. Thiruthiyai 
4. Chathurthi
5. Panchami
6. Shashti
7. Sapthami
8. Ashtami
9. Navami
10. Dhasami
11. Ekaadhasi
12. Dhwaadhasi
13. Thiriyoadhasi
14. Chathurdhasi
15. New moon day or Full moon day.

In astrology, the good days are seen on the basis of these thithis. Anything performed on ashtami and navami will not be successful.

In these thithis we are going to see the one that will come on fifth day after new moon day called as Panchami. In particular, the panchami comes in the Tamil month Aavani (equivalent to Aug 15 - Sep 15) is called as "Naga Panchami". On this naga panchami only the remedy told by Bogar has to be performed.

We shall see about the remedies told by Bogar in the next post.

Translated by - சந்தியா