
Author: தோழி / Labels:

Today we will see about maaranam, the last type of Siththars mantrika. This art is comparatively the most ferocious and perilous to life.  Ofcourse, it will induce death to concerned person.

Maaranam directly meant, inducing deathly pain. In order to attain siddhi in this art, high patience and focus and mental stability is required.  This art is taught by guru only during the very last learning phase of the student.

Let us see the preparation for attaining siddhi in maaranam.

The principal god for maaranam is lord yama*.  

The moolamatra is “Om sivayanama savvum sriyum ariom suvaaka”.

One should start practicing this art on wednesday. 

One should face south direction while practicing it.

Naga mani* bead should be wore and naga mani rosary is used for chanting purpose. 

Plank of fig tree is used for seating purpose.

Groundnut flower is used for performing archanai on yantra. 

Yantra should be made of copper or silver plate.

Let us see the, the method of making yantra and the mystic trick to attain siddhi in this art, in the upcoming post.

*Yama – God of death
*Naga mani – a gem believed to be possessed by the cobra

Original –
Translated by Lalithambika Rajasekaran