Our Tamil ancestors divided a day into 60 naazhikai. They consider the starting of day from a sunrise to starting of another sunrise. The whole day is calculated above as of 24 hours.
In a day, few naazhigais in planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn has its own unique dominance for certain interval. That time is called as horai, i.e., the planet’s dominant in that unique interval is termed as that planet horai. Horai can also be called as oarai. The shadow planet Raaghu and Kaethu has no horai interval. We can say it more precisely as, that time interval corresponds to that particular planet.
Each day starts with particular horai, which is already pre-told and correspondingly that whole day’s horai is been calculated.
Sunday – Surya horai (Sun)
Monday – Chandra horai (Moon)
Tuesday – Sevvai horai (Mars)
Wednesday – Puthan horai (Mercury)
Thursday – Kuru horai (Jupiter)
Friday – Sukkkira horai (Venus)
Saturday – Sani horai (Saturn)
Further, the whole day horai time interval can be found from following table.
Alright! How to find out sunrise every day?
Those, who can use panchangam, can easily found out the sunrising time for every day precisely. Those, who found it difficult can use internet/blogs. My other blog Siththa Jothidam (in Tamil) also has the information regarding sunrise time, thithi, natchathiram (star), raasi, raaghu kaalam, ema kandam, subha neram at the top right corner of webpage. All these are calculated according to Indian and Sri Lankan time, which might be highly useful to needed person.

Original – www.siththarkal.com
Translated by Lalithambika Rajasekaran