The supreme being is the only one who is present everywhere. It stands as intelligence, and source for all the other living beings and also origin for all movable and immovable things. Hence god is seen in all the non-living things, says Siththars.
Panjabootham are wind, fire, water, land and sky . God is the one who created these panjabootham and he is filled in all of them. Your body is the one that has formed as a combination of all these panjabootham.
This is told as that the world's supreme being is present in our body by Kuthambai Siththar. "In the land, in the widely spread water body, in the fire that rises high, in the wind that blows, in the the wide open sky, in all these see that god is present" says Kuthambai Siththar.
"நீரும் நெருப்பும் நெடுங்காற்றும் வானமும்
neerum neruppum nedungaatrum vaanamum
பாருமாய் நின்றதைக்காண் குதம்பாய்
paarumaai ninrathaikkaan kuthambaai
பாருமாய் நின்றதைக்காண்
paarumaai ninrathaikkaan"
"எங்கும் வியாபகம் ஈகை விவேகங்கள்
engum viyaapagam eegai vivaegangal
பொங்கமாய் உள்ளானடி குதம்பாய்
pongamaai ullaanadi kuthambaai
பொங்கமாய் உள்ளானடி
pongamaai ullaanadi"
- குதம்பைச் சித்தர் (Kuthambai Siththar)
In the next post we shall catch up with another information.
Original - www.siththarkal.com
Translated by - சந்தியா