Tree with fruits

Author: தோழி / Labels:

There is nobody beyond comments. Everyone is being subjected to reviews and criticisms at some point of time. The consequences can be listed such as it impacts on your mind or on our body. Paambaatti Siththar has explained how the people with pure heart resolve these issues in the following song.

"காய்த்தமரம் அது மிகக் கல்லடி படும்
kaaiththamaram athu mikak kalladi padum
கன்மவினை கொண்டகாயம் தண்டனை பெறும்
kanmavinai kondakaayam thandanai perum
வாய்த்த தவம் உடையவர் வாழ்பவர் என்றே
vaaiththa thavam udaiyavar vaazhbavar enrae
வஸ்துத் திருவடி தொழுது ஆடாய் பாம்பே!
vasthuth thiruvadi thozhuthu aadaai paambae!”

- பாம்பாட்டிச் சித்தர் (Paambaatti Siththar)

 It is believed that the tree with fruits will be punished by hitting with stones. It means that the tree which has got nice flowers and fruits on it will be hit with stones to get that fruits.

Likewise those with the blessings of guru and attempting to realise themselves may also need to face punishments and protests. Also the people with pure heart serving the society and serving the god are no exceptions for this. The sorrows can cause nothing to these people. He says that they will be in a higher state where they are clear about all these issues.

The tree which is being hit by the stones even after getting hit continues to give fruits. Likewise the saints and sages who face all these problems will also continue to shower their blessings says Paambatti Siththar.

Original –
Translated by சந்தியா