To get rid of the effects of the previous birth

Author: தோழி / Labels: ,

Based on one’s actions, thoughts and ideas only the consequences are decided. We justify our actions saying that the situations forces to act that way. But the fact is that the surroundings and atmosphere is
only witness of the actions.

Since many years we have believed the tradition that the today’s birth is as a result of the actions and effects of our previous birth only. For those who did good, they face the good results in this birth and for those who did bad they face the bad consequences.  This only decides our birth, life, business, wealth, residing place, marriage life and food habits.

It is said that because of this only, if someone begins an action, he is facing the obstacles, blockages, failures, victory, disappointments and insults. Hence it is very clear that none of us can escape from facing the consequences of what we have done.

Thirumoolar says the method of how the sages protect themselves from getting affected by these consequences in the following way.

"தன்னை யறிந்திடும் தத்துவ ஞானிகள்
thannai yarinhthidum thaththuva gnanikal
முன்னை வினையின் முடிச்சை யவிழ்பவர்கள்
munnai vinaiyin mudichchaai yavizhpavarkal
பின்னை வினையைப் பிடித்து பிசைவர்கள்
pinnai vinaiyaip pidiththu pisaivarkal
சென்னியின் வைத்த சிவனரு ளாலே
senniyin vaiththa sivanaru laaae"

- திருமூலர் (Thirumoolar)

The sages who realized themselves and realized their state will get rid of their consequence from previous birth by the thoughts of Lord Siva. They will also vanish the consequences they will get from their future actions by the same method. Thirumoolar says that gnanis do all these by the grace of the Lord Siva which they have in their minds.

Original –
Translated by சந்தியா